UFOs are real physical phenomena. Even the US Department of Defense is on record acknowledging the reality of UFOs while admitting it has no idea what or who they are, or what their intentions might be. This reality has massive scientific and theological implications and is worldview shattering for many people. While the secular culture has been programmed with books, movies and TV programs to think of UFOs as extraterrestrial, there is no small amount of related paranormal phenomena to indicate that there is an underlying deceptive agenda. My book reveals that much of the UFO and related phenomena can be understood when examined in the light of a Biblical worldview. In spite of growing public and government interest in the matter, many Christians avoid the subject and are unable to address UFO and related phenomena from an informed Biblical perspective. My book is an attempt to open the eyes of the public and especially Christians and to encourage study and understanding of the signs of the times we are living in.
You can obtain my book from the publisher,
Redemption Press,
Barnes and Noble, or any of the usual online providers.